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Explore your creativity

Explore your creativity

In our search for more mental resilience and well-being, creativity is an important tool. In one of her many interviews Texan researcher and author Brené Brown points out the importance of consciously cultivating creativity. For if we do not give our creativity the space it needs, it will turn into frustration.

But creativity – along with other areas of growing self-awareness – does not come without courage. Courage to show up, to take off our masks and let our authentic selves be seen. Again according to Brené Brown the birthplace of creativity is vulnerability. Especially in a professional context (and let’s be honest, also often in our private lives) vulnerability is a term we often struggle with. Very often it is mistaken for weakness, while in fact it is exactly the opposite. Being honest about who we are, what we need, what we like and dislike might very well be one of the most courageous things we’ll ever do on the workfloor.

That is also the reason why, in an attempt to ignore our feelings of fear, self-doubt, comparison, anxiety and uncertainty, we often armour up against vulnerability. With the best intentions we are keeping up appearances. Telling our co-workers, boss or even friends and family that we’re doing just fine, while maybe we are finding it hard to take up work every day. In doing so, we shut ourselves off from everything we do and love. We lose our capacity for connection.

Creativity and vulnerability are intimately intertwined and often challenge us on our path to increasing self-awareness. But they also offer something in return: the feeling of connection and belonging. And what is more, when shown, they are highly inspiring to others.

So do not underestimate the importance of your creative projects and dreams. Which of your talents have you put aside in the ratrace of every day? What did you dream of as a child? Switch off the TV and your social media more often and explore your creativity. Whether you like cooking, singing, model construction, gardening, decorating, writing down your thoughts, painting, doing chores around the house or playing music: take the time to create something in your own unique way. Satisfaction guaranteed!

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